The original figure of this Inuit mother and child was sculpted by Canadian born artist Thomas McPhee of Salt Spring Island, B.C. Resembling rosewood, this cast resin piece is marked at two points along the base: once with BOMA and the other spot bearing Thomas McPhee's cipher of a T inside an M plus the name McPhee and the copyright mark ©. Boma Manufacturing Ltd. is a company in Northwest Vancouver, British Columbia, that makes "Reproductions of totem poles, Eskimo figures.....and fine art reproductions" per their listing in the Canadian Trade Index.
This artwork measures 6 3/4 inches tall, 5 inches across from the tip of the mother's boot and weighs just an ounce under 3 pounds. It's in excellent condition and makes a handsome display, both with other artworks and standing by itself.
PYH 5178